Jeanie Clapp Jeanie Clapp

From Hire to Retire

The construction industry is the backbone of infrastructure development and economic growth. As populations grow and cities expand, the demand for construction projects continues to rise. However, hiring the right talent in this dynamic and demanding sector is often a challenging task.

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Charles Popper Charles Popper

The New Frontier of Safety in Construction

Safety has long been a bedrock of the construction industry, but it still remains a dangerous one with deaths only decreasing by 2.2% from 2020 to 2021, according to Bureau of Labor Statistics data. The reality is: a construction worker’s health has a direct impact on their performance, and poor health can lead to deadly mistakes. In recent years, the definition of safety in construction has evolved to encompass more than personal protective equipment and signage. Today, it includes the health and wellness of construction workers.

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Charles Popper Charles Popper

1:1 Meetings are Not About Performance Feedback

The competition for talent in the construction industry is getting ever fiercer. The talent arms race is no longer a problem for just small- and mid-size firms. All companies, from the largest general contractor to the smallest specialty sub, are battling for the elusive talent that will allow them to meet current contract obligations, future projects and support growth. Therefore, why are companies going to battle for talent in the 21st century with 20th century approaches?

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Jeanie Clapp Jeanie Clapp

Building a Dream Team

The ever-evolving landscape of hiring, labor and retention in the United States for construction businesses continues to be a challenging terrain to navigate.

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